Monday, November 23, 2015

Al Nirider–Class of 1965


Al Nirider’s Wife, Terry sent the following to the Class of 1965 but since Al was known by many SCHS alum, I wanted to share it with everyone.

Bill White


I hope it's not inappropriate for me to write using your reunion list, but Al spoke to so many of you over these last few years that this seems the best way not to miss anyone.

Getting ready to see you was literally how his last hours healthy hours were spent.  He was so looking forward to the reunion.  We'd packed and he'd gotten his hair cut before going to the doctor just to be sure that some shortness of breath he had experienced was not serious.  Unfortunately it was and he left us on Monday.

You can never know how grateful I was for each of you who brought so much pleasure into Al's last year's.  His loss of vision particularly had caused his world to become very very small and left him with little independence.  Time on the phone with his friends -- and with some of you even time person -- brought him so much joy.  How many times did you hear "Did I tell you the joke about Snow White?" or his latest Obama rant?  I find myself tempted to keep his legacy going but I could never get away with it like he did! 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the happiness you gave him and the  thoughtfulness you have shown me.  Your condolences have been comforting.  I've attached a few photos of Al from better times.  His old jeep and his new dog, Zipper, were two of his favorite things.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.





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