Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1968

Back row:  Glen Haverlah, Larry Bauman, Steve Friesenhahn,  and Mason Dean.
Front row:  Rita (Arizpe) Del Toro, Karen (Spears) Robb, Flo (Eisenhauer) Eaddy, Beverly (Ackermann) Jobe, and Kathy Kennedy.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1969

Back row, left to right:  Leslie Beck, Howard Ackermann, Roy Richard, Joe Trevino, Ron Brehm, Dennis Koehler, Alan Mayer, Steven Jobe, Steve Logsdon, Syd Gilzow, Dennis Kucherka

Middle Row:  Joe Bruno, Debra (Evans) Kardys, Lauren (LaComb) Strum, Jane (Vines) Meyers, Susan (Kennedy) Hartzog,  Gary Baker, Penny (Parkhurst) Previtera, Ronnie (Pefferkorn) Beaty, Darleen (Byrom) Hart, Cheryl (Wayt) Smith, Phyllis (Shelton) Pulido, Richard Smith, Tim Busby, David Blair, John Solich

First Row:  Rosalie (Pena) Pecina, Michael Davis, Doreen (Culbertson) Vollbrecht, Cindy (Vordenaum) Lyons, Sharon (Van Booven) Frederickson, Harriet Pedersen, 
Jeanette (Mueller) Mayer, Cathy (Robison) Holt, Shirley (Krueger) Moehring, Mary (Brown) Pevoto, Rita (Bruce) Taylor, Sharon (Ward) Hofferichter, Thomas Gluckman

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1971

Judy (Spears) McLivaine and Betty Joyce Koehler) Willemin.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1966

Mary (Carrasco) Garcia and Christine (Gutierrez) Syphers.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1965

Back: Terry Sassman, Johnny Smith, Wayne (Dutch) Ulbrich, Calvin Koeler and Irving Marbach.

Front:  Wally Meyer, Linda (Perez) Elms, Pat (Burke) Wright and Trevor Park.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1962

James Merkel, Lana (Scheele) Anderson and Malford Brehm.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1961

Francis (VanWinkle) Longley and Barbara (Novosad) Merkel.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1960

James G. Koehler, Barbara (VanWinkle) Vermillion and Clayton L. Stolte.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1959

Frankie Quesada and Edward L. Ward.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1958

Jack Heinesh, Pat (Seiler) Nothstine, Martha (Achterberg) McDonald, Irvine Schneider, Claudine (Voges) Burgess and Jimmy Don Marshall.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1956

Lino Arispe, Jane (Friesenhahn) Tudyk, Sylvia (Katt) Seiler and Stanley Seiler.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1957

Alice (Friesenhahn) Weiss, Clarence Berry and  Caroleen (Koehler) Durben.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1967

Back row left to right: Wayne Flowers,Fred Garcia, Danny Keller,Charlie Voss,Thomas Moon, Milton Edge And Jeff Lanning.
Front left to right: Sharon (Cherry) Schirmer, Betsy (Brown) Sassman,Mary ( Nordmeyer) Flowers,Tana (Spears) Clancy,Sharon (Vollbrecht) Olson,  Judy (Cowles) Keller, Bobbye (Rusch) Dorow, JoAnne (Campa) Burch and Cynthia (Lowe) Marthes.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1963

Jesse Del Toro.
Gordon Chisenhall and Carol (Borders) Bowers.
Kaye (Snoddy) Rowden, Vivian (Sandifer) Brehm, Margaret (White) Heinesh and Pat (Galloway) Schmidt.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1964

Harvey Sassman, Jimmy Burdett, Lloyd Eaddy, George Lessard and Bill White.
Delores (Slade) King, Nancy (Coleman) Knight, Mary (Arispe) Parra, Bertha (Birdie Friesenhahn) Grein and Ruth (Krueger) Martin.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1955

Arlon Mueller, Betty Jean (Achterbery) Kating, Melville Steubing, Betty (Gesche) Kreutler and Donald "Don" DeVore.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1954

Walt Edmonson, Angie (Toker) Clark and Humberto Arispe.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1953

Robert (Bobby) Seiler and Dorothy "Dolly" (Katt) Attkisson.

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1949

Rosemarie (Orth) Ackermann

Reunion 2019 - Class of 1947

Alvin A. Schultz

Reunion 2019 - Faculty

Marty Smith, Leola Stolte, Lynn Glenewinkel and James Stolte.