Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Back row: Calvin Koehler, Irving Marbach, Wayne "Dutch" Ulbrich, Johnny
Smith, Terry Sassman, Russell (Rusty) G. Cook
Front row: Linda (Hortense Perez) Elms, Wally Meyer, Linda
(Perryman) Soechting, Gloria (Campbell) Gallagher, Jeanette (Oliver) Albrecht,
Janis (Borders) Weinheimer and Patricia (Burke) Wright.
Kneeling: Trevor Park
Monday, October 16, 2017
Sunday, October 15, 2017
2017 Reunion - Class of 1967
Back Row, left to
Rodney Doyal, George
Koltermann, Wayne Flowers, Carlos Guel, Russell Brehm, John Elbel, Bob Teasdale,
Danny Keller, Charlie Voss, Don Schneider
Middle Row
Lawrence Ulbrich, Sharon
(Vollbrecht) Olsen, Victor Gonzales, Mary(Nordmeyer)Flowers, Jackie (Burns)
Selvaggio, Jeff Lanning, Cathy (Matherne)Webb, Milton Edge
Front Row
JoAnne (Campa)Burch,
Sharon (Cherry)Schirmer, Betsy (Brown)Sassaman, Roberta (Rusch)Dorow, Lillian
“Lil” (Froboese)Metzger, Judy (Cowles)Keller, Tana (Spears)Clancy, Roger
Tom Moon was at the reunion but missed the picture. He said to tell everyone he was camera shy.