Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Back row:  Calvin Koehler, Irving Marbach, Wayne "Dutch" Ulbrich, Johnny Smith, Terry Sassman, Russell (Rusty) G. Cook
Front row:  Linda (Hortense Perez) Elms, Wally Meyer, Linda (Perryman) Soechting, Gloria (Campbell) Gallagher, Jeanette (Oliver) Albrecht, Janis (Borders) Weinheimer and Patricia (Burke) Wright.

Kneeling: Trevor Park

2017 Reunion - Class of 1969

Back Row:  John Solich, Larry Jones, Jane (Vines) Meyers, Cathy (Robison) Holt,  Rosalie (Pena) Pecina, Michael Davis, Doreen (Culbertson) Vollbrecht

Front Row:  Joe Bruno,  Charles Steven Jobe, Jim Wolverton, Susan (Kennedy) Hartzog, Yolanda Suarez

Monday, October 16, 2017

2017 Reunion - Class of 1966

Front row: Eiffel Bermea, Zala (Cox) Koym , Robert DeLeon, Manuel Gonzales, Susan (Busch) Bryant, Kirby Bryant, Richard Castillo

Back row: Charlie Koym, Andy Green, Tom Meyer

2017 Reunion - Class of 1960

 James Koehler, Louise (Shamblee) Madigan, Donny Shelton, Lane Scott, Sherry (Bryant) Nelson, Alfred Albrecht, Bootsy (Katt) Norwood, Clayton Stolte

2017 Reunion - Class of 1971

Judy (Spears) Neilvaine and Steve Gangawer.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1970

Kathy Staley

2017 Reunion - Class of 1968

Back Row:Rita (Arreola) Del Toro, Mary (Frias) Gonzales, Karen (Spears) Robb, Dickie (Koch) Cassel, Helen (Avery) Wieters, Larry Baumann, Jerry Wieters and Stephen Friesenhahn.

Front row:  Beverly (Ackermann) Jobe and Florencene (Eisenhauer) Eaddy.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1964

Back row:  Thomas Spurkosky, Harvey Sassman, William Steve Greer, Jimmy Burdett and George Lessard.

Middle row:  Helen (Wehe) Crittell, Patricia (McDaniel) Spurkosky, Carole (CJ) Burns and Amy (Avery) Schulz.

Bottom row:  Bill White, Connie (Burkhardt) Silvers and Lloyd Eaddy.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1963

Pat (Galloway) Schmidt, Jesse Del Toro, Margaret (White) Heinesh, Charles Collins, Carol (Borders) Bowers and Kaye (Snoddy) Rowden.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1962

Loretta (Friesenhahn) Kramm, Bernard C. (Barney) Smith, August O. Haufler, Lana (Scheele) Anderson, Kathy (Baca) Dreher, Sandra (Elbel) Taylor, Gary L. Schulz and Larry Koehler.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1961

Barbara (Staley) Kovacich, Julia E. (Judy Wolverton) Anderson and Tom Magee.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

2017 Reunion - Class of 1959

Ed Ward, Sara C. Castillo) Otero, Jack Madigan, Faye (Lewis) Eberling and Len Scott.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1958

Back: Jack Heinesh,John H. Hehs, Irvine Schneider and Jimmy Don Marshall.

Front:  Kathleen (Sug) Elbel, Pat (Seiler) Nothstine, Claudine (Voges) Burgess and Martha (Achterberg) McDonald.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1957

Mary (Stewart) Rowell, Caroleen (Koehler) Durben, Betty Joyce Willemin, Patrick Pfertner, Alice (Friesenhahn) Weiss, Jim Bob Mattocks, Clarence Berry and Rudolfo Ramirez.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1956

Stanley E. Seiler, Sylvia (Katt) Seiler and Lino Arispe.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1955

Dorothy (Orth) Dillow and Arlon A. Mueller

2017 Reunion - Class of 1954

Walt Edmonson, Angie (Toker) Clark, Robert Buckhanan, Lenroy Koehler and Humberto Arispe.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1967

Back Row, left to right
Rodney Doyal, George Koltermann, Wayne Flowers, Carlos Guel, Russell Brehm, John Elbel, Bob Teasdale, Danny Keller, Charlie Voss, Don Schneider
Middle Row
Lawrence Ulbrich, Sharon (Vollbrecht) Olsen, Victor Gonzales, Mary(Nordmeyer)Flowers, Jackie (Burns) Selvaggio, Jeff Lanning, Cathy (Matherne)Webb, Milton Edge
Front Row

JoAnne (Campa)Burch, Sharon (Cherry)Schirmer, Betsy (Brown)Sassaman, Roberta (Rusch)Dorow, Lillian “Lil” (Froboese)Metzger, Judy (Cowles)Keller, Tana (Spears)Clancy, Roger Jarvis

Tom Moon was at the reunion but missed the picture.  He said to tell everyone he was camera shy.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1953

Robert (Bobby) Seiler, Chester Sassman, Dorothy (Katt) Attkisson and Allan Weyel.

2017 Reunion - Class of 1949

Rosemarie (Orth) Ackermann

2017 Reunion - Class of 1947

Alvin Schulz

2017 Reunion - Faculty

Leola Stolte, James C. Stolte, Joyce Warren, Lorraine Younger and Janie Ulbrich.

2017 Memorial Walk