Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013 Reunion–Class of 1962

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John Walton and Malford Brehm

Others from left to right: Kathy (Baca) Dreher, Ann (Vetkoetter) Voges, John Reese, Larry Koehler, Lana (Scheele) Anderson, David Yerion, Betty (Scott) Galenes, August Haufler and .James Merkel

2013 Reunion–Class of 1954

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Humberto Arispe, Walter Edmondson, Stanley Stehle, Robert Buckhanan, Lorraine (Pfertner) Wagner, Tivie Medina, Lenroy Koehler

2013 Reunion–Class of 1966

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Cris Frias, Larry Jones, Tom Meyer, Andy Green, Robert DeLeon, Richard Castillio, Mike Ramirez and John Dunivan.

Monday, October 21, 2013

2013 Reunion–Class of 1965

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Calvin Koehler, Wally Myer,  Janis (Borders) Weinheimer, Gloria (Campbell) Gallagher, Johnny Smith, Susan (Orner) Stewart, Wayne Ulbrich, Jack Chisenhall.  Front row-Patricio Garcia,  Jeannette Oliver Albrecht, Pat (Burke) Wright, Linda (Perez) Elms,Cheryl (Green) Baumgardner.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1967

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Starting at left side back row : Charlie Voss. Milton Edge, Thomas Moon, Lawrence Ulbrich, Sharon (Cherry) Schirmer, Mary (Nordmeyer) Flowers, Wayne Flowers

Front Row: Sharon (Vollbrecht) , Betsy (Brown) Sassman, Roberta (Rusch) Dorow.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1963

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Betty Jonaitis, Carol Bowers, Vicki Haight, Pat Schmidt, Tom Koehler

Charles Collins, Kay Rowden, Vivian Brehm, Margaret Heinesh, Gordon Chisenhall

Pete Voges, John Fling, Jesse Del Toro, Corky Smith, David Simpson

2013 Reunion–Class of 1953

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left to right -
                      Viola (Schroeder) Dittfurth, Yvonne (Fling) Tolle,        Robert (Bob) Seiler,  Chester Sassmann,  Mary Ann (Schneider) Rheinlander,  Dorothy (Katt) Attkisson

2013 Reunion–Class of 1955

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LtoR:  Wilton Walker, Melville Steubing, Betty (Achterberg) Kating, Betty (Gesche) Kreutler, Geraldine (Seiler) Wylie, Barbara (Edmonson) Lindell, Arnold Mueller, Dorothy (Orth) Dillow

2013 Reunion–Class of 1960

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Clayton Stolte, James Koehler, Barbara (Van Winkle) Vermillion, Alfred Albrecht, Kenny Voges, Louise (Shamblee)  Madigan, Donny Shelton, Lane Scott

Sunday, October 20, 2013

2013 Reunion–Class of 1969

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Jim Wolverton, Rosalie (Pena) Pecina, Darlene (Byrom) Hart, Doreen (Culbertson) Vollbrecht and Larry Jones.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1968

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Florencene (Eisenhauer) Eaddy, Rita (Arreola) Del Toro and Mary (Frias) Gonzales.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1964

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Deloris (Slade) King, Lloyd Eaddy, Sylvia (Edge) Horton, Bill White, Connie (Burkhardt) Silvers, Harvey Sassman and Nancy (Coleman) Knight.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1961

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Gary Reicherzer, Bill Moon, Frances (VanWinkle) Longley, Barbara (novasad) Merkel, Sonny Dunivan Jr. and Pat (Mayfield) Oliver.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1959

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Jack Madigan, Bill Stehle, Eileen (Cooke) Mueller and Edward Ward.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1958

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Billy Ray Younger, Pat (Seiler) Nothstine, Melford Orth, Jack Heinesh, Jimmy Don Marshall, Martha (Achterberg) McDonald, Melford Friesenhahn, Brenda (Lindsey) McDougal and Jim Nelson.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1957

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Clarence Berry, Alice (Friesenhahn) Weiss, Carol (Koehler) Durben and Pat Pfertner.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1956

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Lino Arispe, Stanley Seiler, Sylvia (Katt) Seiler, Jane (Friesenhahn) Tudyk, Roland Mueller and Shelby Koehler.

2013 Reunion–Faculty

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James Hill, Leola Stotle, James Stolte, Lorraine Younger and Joyce Warren.

2013 Reunion–Class of 1949

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Rosemarie (Orth) Ackermann

2013 Reunion–Class of 1947

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Dorothy (Gesche) McClendon and Alvin A. Schulz

2013 Reunion–Class of 1935

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Kathlyn (Schertz) Moos

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Decorating 2013


Memory Walk 2013

There was a small turn out for the 2013 Memory walk but the ones that showed up had a nice time and enjoyed themselves.

